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Dental hygienist at Notting Hill Dental Clinic

The Importance of Dental Hygiene

Dental health is important to one’s overall health. Poor dental hygiene habits and mistreatment of oral diseases could easily affect your quality of life. These may affect even the most essential human needs, which includes the capability to communicate, eat and drink, swallow, and even smile. Meet our highly experienced dental hygienist.

Of all the things that you could do to maintain your overall health and well-being, following a rigorous and regular oral hygiene routine is the most important. All it will take is just a couple of minutes of your time between your dental checkups to both get and enjoy its long-term benefits.

Visiting your dentist regularly not only helps keep your smile much more lovely but it also informs your dentist about your overall dental health. Just by taking a look at your teeth and gums enables your dentist to know if you might be developing a gum disease.

Dental hygiene is vital for your health because not only does a healthy smile boost your self-confidence, but it also lessens facial or oral pain, and also greatly reduces your risk or gum disease. A lack of dental hygiene may lead to digestion problems. The process of breaking down food physically and chemically begins in your mouth. If there are complications within your mouth, this could possibly lead to digestive problems.

Good oral hygiene is not confined to just flossing and brushing. The mouth is the entryway to the body system, and accordingly, it’s also the body’s first line of defense. The mouth is responsible for numerous vital functions:

  • It generates saliva that acts as a lubricant, assisting us to speak and swallow.
  • It facilitates breathing.
  • It is the very first shield from harmful microorganisms that could travel into body’s vital organs through the bloodstream.
  • It helps the digestive process through chewing.

How to Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Regular dental visits will help you make sure that your oral health is in great condition. It also enables your dental specialist to detect teeth and gum diseases that could develop into more severe complications.

Poor nutrition, growth problems, and improper jaw alignment will all be identified by conducting a comprehensive dental exam. The dentist only requires the patient to provide a complete medical history, including recent medical issues and medications used in order to come up an appropriate prognosis.

At home, anyone can practice good oral hygiene by daily brushing and flossing, use of fluoride, avoiding tobacco, reducing snacking and eating a well-balanced diet.


Repercussions of bad dental hygiene go far beyond cavities, plaque and teeth stains. Well, this is not to suggest that these are any less serious but what if we inform you that the way you take care of your oral health could impact your heart? Surprising, isn’t it? We will talk about more such unheard and somewhat shocking things about your teeth and its connection with your health and wellbeing.

Poor oral hygiene is also associated with pregnancy complications, dementia, periodontal disease, frail bones, immunity system disorders, respiratory tract infection, dental erosion, osteoporosis, etc.

Maintenance of good oral health is essential is not only for enjoying healthy teeth but overall health. It is therefore crucial that we take good care of our mouth to keep our bodies free from many diseases.

Notting Hill Dental Clinic & Dental Surgery Encourages you to practice effective and efficient dental hygiene. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day, eating a healthy diet, and flossing daily all are key elements to a healthy smile.

Call and set up a dentist scheduled appointment to enhance your dental hygiene. Notting Hill Dental Clinic & Dental Surgery can’t wait to assist in keeping your teeth clean and your mouth in good shape.

Book an Appointment now!

22 Pembridge Road
Notting Hill Gate
Central London
W11 3HL
0207 727 4795

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